Ideas/ Plan for Final print products
Magazine 1st
Name: The Socialist
Font: Grotesque
Colour scheme: Greens, Blues, browns
Price: £2.99
Tag Line: "The truth of the world"
Political Bias: Left wing
Image ideas:
- Someone holding a plant/gardening
- Someone tidying
- Sitting on the grass/ standing under a tree
Headline: Stay clean and Go green! – easy ways to protect the
Contents list:
- Animalistic
Activists break into Lab
- Helping
the Homeless
- Stay
clean and Go green! – easy ways to protect the environment
- David
Attenborough’s new message - A Life on Our Planet
- Celebrities
urge for Ocean Clean up
- The
sixteen-year-old doing the most for the Planet – Greta Thunberg
- What Does Brexit actually mean?
- Is Corbyn stepping down?
- Sustainable Houses
- Climate Crisis
Image ideas for the contents page:
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Magazine 2nd
Name: The Socialist
Font: Grotesque
Colour Scheme: Red, Blue
Price: £2.99
Tag Line: "The truth of the world"
Political Bias: Left wing
Image ideas:
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with a mask
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people socially distanced on a bench with masks on
Headline: Boris vs. Covid-19
Contents list:
- Why All lives matter is controversial
- Crime crackdown in London
- Americas fight about Rights and how it affects you
- Boris
vs. Covid-19
- Biden
or trump? – the vote on every one’s mind
- “England
isn’t racist” – The truth behind white privilege
- The brands backing Black lives Matter
- Unemployment rise amongst young people
- Isolation and Mental health
- Stockpiling for Lockdown
Image ideas for the contents page:
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sanitizer/ empty shops
- · Empty roads/ lockdown
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